Sunday 22 May 2016

Unveiling the Power of Midnight Prayers.

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The word 'midnight' occurred 14times in scripture and each time it occurred, something strange was attached to it. From scriptures, David was the first person to get up at night to pray. Psalm 199:62 says "At MIDNIGHT I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgements."
Secondly you must know that God did everything important at midnight. Whenever the Apostles were locked up in prison, it took midnight prayers to break open their prison wall. In our world today, people understand the power of midnight. Whenever soldiers are about to move strategically for war, their movement is always at night. The war that brought down Sadam Huseini, Muammar Gaddafi, Osama Bin Laden was carried out at night.
As a Christian, you must understand that night warfare is extremely effective. Night warfare has a way of mysteriously recovering lost years. Look at the case of the children of Israel, they worked as slaves for the Egyptians for years but it took a single night battle for Pharaoh to set them free.

As humans there is a high tendency for us to sleep or rest at night because of our activities in the day that is why the workers of iniquity choose to work at night (when man is naturally weak). In order to defeat the evil ones who work at night you must be able to wake up at night to counter their activities. Sometimes we wake up in the morning to pray against the enemy when he has concluded his assignment and gone home. The Bible says in Matthew 13:25, 'But while men SLEPT, HIS enemy came and sow tares.......'. If you notice it's not a strange enemy that came to saw the tares, it a familiar enemy, the enemy within that came to sow the tares. When you pray at the same time they are holding their meetings, there would be chaos in that meeting. It would not hold neither would their plot come to pass.
We're not against morning devotion but sometimes morning devotion is medicine after death. It's of no use praying in the morning when the enemy is done with his plot and plans at midnight.
JESUS CHRIST himself laid the example for us. Luke 6:12 says 'And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a MOUNTAIN to pray, and CONTINUED ALL NIGHT IN PRAYER to God'. Some mountains in our life need to be addressed at night. If JESUS the Son of God had to pray, then that means we should do better and even more. To walk in the footsteps of JESUS we need to climb the ladder of midnight prayer.
Power, glory, grace, wisdom, spiritual strength, prosperity, etc is birthed in the well of Midnight Prayers. King Solomon got his wisdom at night, Abraham got a clear vision of his generations at night when God told him to count the stars, JESUS got strength to carry the cross, shame, humiliation, etc in the Garden of Gethsemane after praying all through the night till his sweat became as blood.
Our charge as end-time believers is written in Lamentation 2:19. It says 'ARISE, cry out IN THE NIGHT: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands towards him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street'. This might sound controversial but the only time heaven is opened to answer prayers is at midnight (we stand to be corrected). When we say midnight, the time runs from 12:00am to 4:00am. A man of God once said 'a sincere 30minutes prayer done at midnight is far better than a 6hour prayer done in daytime.
God is only set to do work on earth at midnight. Exodus 11:4 says 'And Moses said, Thus saith the Lord, about MIDNIGHT WILL I GO OUT into the midst of Egypt'. If you want to see God work in your life, dial HIS number at midnight; I tell you certainly, HE is going to answer. In the Garden of Eden, God came to see Adam in the cool of the DAY; since man fell, God has chosen to hide himself in darkness, choosing only to walk at night (Read Matthew 25:6). Men who have seen God saw Him at night for stars cannot shine except they be found in darkness. For God to walk and work in your situation, in your life, you need to call on HIM at night.
Exodus 12:29a says 'And it came to pass, that AT MIDNIGHT THE LORD SMOTE all the first born in the land of Egypt'. The Lord God Almighty engages in battles at night. It is vain to pray to God to war for you in daytime. Angels only run on errands in the day; at night the battle and contention for the souls and destiny of men begins. The Christian mind needs to be trained to be alert when it is time for battle (at midnight). To sleep in the battle of life is to be enlisted as a casualty in destiny. Refuse to sleep as a civilian in the war front of destiny. Stand strong as a military Christian.
Don't you know that demonic initiation takes place at night. People are fed in dreams at night. Witches fly freely only at night. High occult men do astral travels in the night.

1. Midnight prayer is the surest arena for breaking satanic bondages and limitations.
2. The midnight is the time for spiritual battle change. Read 1 Kings 3:20.
3. The midnight is the time for witches, wizards and demonic gatherings in the covens.
4. The midnight is the time for dark meetings initiation.
5. The midnight is the time for handing over from demonic workers of the day to demonic workers of the night.
6. The midnight is the time of the unexpected so the enemy uses it as a platform to launch surprise attacks.
7. The midnight is the time for intense spiritual traffic both for angels and demons. Demons want to use the limited time of darkness to carry out evil assignments and angels also want to do their job before daybreak, see Genesis 32:26. This contention causes traffic in the heavenlies.
You must understand that midnight prayer is very essential. There is no evil power on earth that can resist the effect of persistent and prolonged midnight prayers. The prayers may not necessarily be long, as far as it is consistent, you are bound to see results.
To Men of God out there, there are certain levels in the realm of the spirit you cannot get to until you engage in midnight prayer. No man of God who is working in genuine power and having the gifts of the Spirit received his anointing in the day time (Read the story of King Solomon).
There are certain levels of spiritual growth you can't get to and revelations you can't have except you engage in prolonged midnight prayer. There are some satanic entities, thrones, kingdoms, chains, fetters that you can never dismantle except through midnight prayers. The scriptures says 'Will the Lord not speedily answer His saints who cry unto him day and NIGHT'. There are some prayers that cannot be prayed in the day; there are day prayers and there are night prayers.
The night time is when the enemy causes pain, affliction, sorrow, torment, manipulation and it's only at night that their weapons and works can be made useless.
See Job 33:14-22.

Midnight hour is the time when God does supernatural things. Great breakthrough happens at night.
For the kingdom of darkness, the midnight time is the time for conference meeting to give reports, to strategise, review their work progress, to be re-assigned to other duties and to renew covenant curses.
The purpose of this teaching is this. While they are gathering to determine your case; like a thief in the night, you can take them unawares and engage in midnight prayers, midnight riot (speaking in tongues all through prayer), to determine their fate. Through prayer and holy madness you can render hell useless over your matter.
Midnight prayers has a way of giving you victory before the battle has even begun. The Bible made us to understand that the devil is 'like' a roaring lion but through midnight prayers you can tame him to be a puppy or a pussy cat.
Midnight prayers has a way of attracting angelic presence.
Acts 16:22-28. Midnight prayer attracts angelic earthquake. Angelic earthquake has a way of distributing collective and individual deliverance because both the sinners and the righteous in Acts 16 were all delivered. That earthquake shook the prison to its ancient foundations. That kind of earthquake can be gotten from the pangs of midnight prayer.
Listen carefully, the destiny of thousands is tied to yours. You can buy their destinies through midnight prayers or sell it through prayerlessness, see Ruth 3:8 (the destiny of Ruth was changed through one midnight encounter).
The foundation of many people especially the black man is very strong and it's only through persistent midnight prayer that they can be broken. Only an earthquake from God will shake it.
For your generation to hear your voice, you must organise an angelic earthquake that will ripple the ground for ages. The Christianity that we're enjoying today was birthed in the room of midnight prayer.
Here is what John G. Lake said about prayer;
"Prayer in this [Jesus'] name gets answers.
The Moravians prayed__the greatest revival till that time hit the world.
Finney prayed__America rocked with the power.
Hudson Taylor prayed__China's Inland Mission was born.
Evan Roberts prayed seven years__the Welsh revival resulted........
Seymour [of Azusa] prayed five hours a day for three and one-half years. He prayed seven hours a day for two and one-half years more. Heaven's fire fell over the world, and the most extensive revival of real religion in this century resulted".

If you don't have or have lost the art of midnight prayer I sincerely believe that after reading this piece God is going to reignite your midnight prayer life. For those of us who have a desire to pray at night but cannot, below is a step by step process of building your spiritual life for midnight prayer.
1. Decide in your heart and mind that you want to engage in night warfare. Let no man cajole you.
2. Sleep on time. The human body has a way of shutting down when it has worked too much. To be alert at night means to sleep on time. Read Judges 16:3.
3. Set an alarm. If you have a phone, set the alarm and put it close to where you are sleeping; make sure to set it's ringing tone loud and put it on vibration.
4. Keep your Bible and note pad (to write down revelations) close to you before sleeping. You also need a prayer manual to re-ignite your midnight prayer. Buy one that contains a lot of prayer points; it's a good way to kick off.
5. Sleep in an uncomfortable place. This might sound funny but sleeping on your bed before waking up for night prayers is risky. Try sitting on the couch or a chair to sleep, when the alarm rings you'll respond quickly. Also lying on the hard floor is a good option. Don't turn on the air conditioner; make the room uneasy for yourself.
6. Once you are up switch off your phone to avoid distractions. Don't sit down or try to lie down for a few minutes, start walking around the room whether the room is big or not. Walking has a way of driving out dizziness.
7. Just keep walking, pacing back and forth in your room (funny isn't it?).
8. Once the dizziness has dropped to a certain level, begin to worship God (thanksgiving is never enough). Sing praises and worship songs to HIM aloud (shouting has a way of drowning body weakness but don't disturb the neighbours), thank God for the previous day (of course 12:00am is a brand new day right?), thank HIM for the little things like going to work and returning safely, your family, entering the taxi or the bike used in the day, thank HIM for grace to pray etc; there are a million and one thing to thank God for.
9. After worshipping God for a long period of time, plunge into prayers. Pray like it's the last day of your life. Let demons, angels and even God know that you mean business with destiny.

N.B: I learnt this recently. To pray longer, once you've read out the prayer point, switch over to the Holy Ghost (pray in tongues). It is a most strategic way of prayer. Let each prayer point be at least 5minutes. Also don't stand on a spot while praying, keep walking while praying.
Please note: Once you start, you may feel weary to stop. Don't give up. Your prayers may not be necessarily long as far as it is consistent; begin praying from 10-15minutes. As the days go by the hunger for prayer would increase and your timing would follow suit. You may feel too weak to pray sometimes, it's absolutely normal. You may miss or skip some nights. You may do all what is written above but when the alarm rings you won't hear it and you won't wake till its daybreak. Joel 3:10, "Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, 'I am strong.'"
Don't think God has given up on you, HE is calling you to rise higher. When you miss a night, challenge yourself to do better the following night.

Here is what Dr. Cindy Trimm said about prayer for beginners, 'To a certain extent, learning to pray is a trial-and-error experience'. You may fail but rise again.
Sometimes when you pray alongside fasting there might not be immediate results. Remember this 'When you pray, take courage, because you serve the God who answers by fire'.
As a ministry, we pray for you that after reading this article your prayer life would take a new positive direction.
For questions, suggestions, comments, etc please drop them in the comment box below; we promise to attend to you all individually.
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Remain Blessed & Stay Prayerfully Charged.
We love You.

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