Tuesday 30 August 2016

DEVELOPING YOUR ORIGINALITY ... (Cont. of maintaining your originality) with Rev Bankole Abioye

Hello friends, it’s awesome to bring to you, life transforming principles on this platform. In the last edition we stated clearly that ‘your value lies in your difference and you don’t need to keep imitating anything or everything that comes to town”. This is founded on the revelation that God made us different and special. He gave us different talents and expects us to use them to complement each other.

Today we will move further with an experience I had on a preaching assignment.
I sat next to my Host pastor, patiently waiting to be called up the podium. A group of music ministers were invited to bless the congregation with a song. As they approached, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the lead vocalist. Summarily, the message was that He would have several open doors and favors later in life, HOWEVER His lifestyle and preparation doesn’t correlate with the opportunities waiting for him. HE IS NOT PREPARED, HE IS NOT READY…



I confess.
I used to hate meetings.

In fact I was very vocal about meetings being a waste of time. In most meetings I attended, I daydreamed about a dozen other ways I could be spending my time more productively.

Over time I would discover the problem was not the meeting per se, but the way the meeting was managed. Today I am a shouting proponent of meetings, at least the productive ones. And I have found that church staff persons, whether full-time, part-time, or volunteer, are among the most notorious for having bad staff meetings.

STUDY TIME: God's Instrument for transforming and sustaining the universe from time immemorial is His Word.

                          The WORD of God will change your life forever as you give Him a chance!

The weight of a life is in the volume and weight of Divine Encounters... Watch out for POWER NIGHT