Tuesday 30 August 2016

DEVELOPING YOUR ORIGINALITY ... (Cont. of maintaining your originality) with Rev Bankole Abioye

Hello friends, it’s awesome to bring to you, life transforming principles on this platform. In the last edition we stated clearly that ‘your value lies in your difference and you don’t need to keep imitating anything or everything that comes to town”. This is founded on the revelation that God made us different and special. He gave us different talents and expects us to use them to complement each other.

Today we will move further with an experience I had on a preaching assignment.
I sat next to my Host pastor, patiently waiting to be called up the podium. A group of music ministers were invited to bless the congregation with a song. As they approached, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the lead vocalist. Summarily, the message was that He would have several open doors and favors later in life, HOWEVER His lifestyle and preparation doesn’t correlate with the opportunities waiting for him. HE IS NOT PREPARED, HE IS NOT READY…

 As I pondered on this, they took their song. After a while, He gave a MODULATION sign to the instrumentalist. To my amazement, everybody modulated except himself! He was struggling (the congregation never understood but I did. Thanks to Pastor Cousin & PHFC for giving me ‘a little’ exposure) THEN after a while, he gave ANOTHER MODULATION SIGNAL. This time everybody went up EXCEPT HIMSELF AGAIN! It was then I understood what God was saying. (I never had the opportunity to talk with him. He left immediately.)                                

The crux of this piece today is to encourage you to develop, upgrade and sharpen yourself. It’s not enough to be CORRECT. You must also be CURRENT! Expertise, proficiency, excellence in your Originality is mandatory. Take time to have depth. Some brothers have been playing the same bass line for almost a decade! Haba wa! Infact that is unrighteousness! Feeding innocent people with expired information and services. That’s intellectual homicide, destiny and professional genocide punishable by nature.

Dr. Paul Enenche made a profound statement years back. He said “if a man can invest 30 minutes daily to learn something new and develop proficiency in the area of his assignment. In 10 years, he will become an authority figure in that field!

1.     Be open to information, discoveries and ideas within your field. Surf the web, read GOOD books, ask questions relevant questions. Associate with those who will accelerate your discipline and productivity.
2.     Have a mentor in your area of specialization or calling. Look for those whose present state is your future dream. Humble yourself and subscribe to the mentorship. Pursue them (Mentors hardly run after protégées. Ask Elisha)
3.     Take out time to retreat, think and pray. Dr Mike Murdock made two profound statements
·        fatigue births bad decisions,
·        rest is the seed for change”
4.     Realize that Gods purpose never changes but His methods do per time. Every dispensation has its strategies. So does God. The dispensation of Moses needed a lamb for atonement. Our dispensation had Christ. However His purpose- ATONEMENT remains the same
5.     Realize that you have the permission of heaven to be fruitful- be creative. Think outside the box and make an invention that tally with Gods purpose.
6.     Always revisit the blue print of your vision per time

I believe someone has been blessed. Keep the questions, messages, and comments rolling in. I agree with you that you will grow and wax strong. Your business will not die; your work and assignment will not be stagnant in Jesus precious name.

Till we come your way again, stay blessed.

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