Monday 28 December 2015

REFLECTIONS ON 2016 With Bankole Andrew Abioye

Shortly, everyone will be drunk with NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!. My question is, how well has it worked? how much have we sustained over time.
My conclusion is this. You don't need a NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. You need a NEW YEAR REVELATION. The former is founded on human strength while the latter on divine backing. I'm sure you don't want to run the new year in your strength. you want divine backing. The revelation you need to fly with divine backing, may God open your eyes to them in Jesus name. there's something you need to see from the spirit realm that will put you in charge physically.
Infact, any change that is not birthed from the spirit realm is a weak change and will be short lived. It will rather bring chains!
Just one revelation is enough to turn around your life forever
one revelation is enough to wipe your tears and give you a new song in your family.
Stop struggling and sweating unnecessarily. lean on the Spirit of God.
Yes I say lean on the Spirit of God.

Tuesday 1 December 2015


The mercy of God is the reason behind the miracles of God
Where mercy is present, anything is possible
In the realm of the spirit, Mercy is equals to anything!... healing, forgiveness, power, judgement etc.
With: Pst Abimbola Olawore (Triumphant House of Favour .Abj), Rev Bankole Abioye & other Servants of God.
Music ministers: Blessing Friday, Benjamin Abioye, Tsorn Ministrels and other ministers.
VENUE: 22 Aminu Road (last floor) Sabon gari kano
TIME: 5PM PROMPT (Evening session), 9am (Saturday Morning session), 8am (Sunday service)

Sunday 22 November 2015

THE MAN GOD USES… 2nd Requirement (Fundamental truths to becoming a man or woman of God) Part. 2 With Rev Bankole Abioye

Welcome to this edition. Let’s hit it. Having dealt with separation from sin, the next requirement is
1.      STAYING WITH HIM: You might also call this dwelling in God’s presence. To me, this is the most important thing about being a man or woman of God. Look at this scripture with me quickly.
Then Jesus went up on a hill and invited those he wanted to go with him. So they joined him there.  And he chose twelve men and called them apostles. He wanted these twelve men to be with him, and he wanted to send them to other places to tell people God's message.  He also wanted them to have the power to force demons out of people. Mark 3:13-16 ERV

Thursday 19 November 2015

THE WILL OF GOD IN MARRIAGE..... Serious... must read!

This edition is coming as a result of requests and questions encountered both in the last edition of "This is SEPTEMBER" and OUR WEEKLY G3 (Guys, Girls with God) MEETING.
I will be straight and grave in my points. Please let’s stay together now

1.     God has a will in marriage, irrespective of all the preaching and life experiences people have had, i want you to understand that God made a wife for Adam. When he fell, the man said "it was the woman you gave me...."!!! some preachers have said it was since then that God decided "He won’t give man a wife again ... so he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing" hmmm well I love these preachers and I'm not here to criticize them but i have never seen this KIND of verse in the scriptures. Please let’s be careful to put things in the whole counsel of God when making a point!

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tips On Recording Your Gospel Album By Nathaniel Bassey

1. Be Led To Record As Christians let the word of God and the leading of the Spirit be the basis. Every time I get a word to do something, I embark on it with an assurance knowing I have the backing of heaven. In this place there is divine provision and assistance. I can remember my late Mentor and Pastor and I, PASTOR ESKOR MFON, walking up the stairs in church before he went to be with The Lord. And he said to me, “I think it’s time to record.” For me this was a confirmation of what I’d been thinking about that season. 

2. Record With A Purpose For me these two reasons should be the main reasons for recording a gospel album: To glorify God. To minister, bless and impact lives. Many record to make money, assume the lime light and become famous. But the truth is that any album that meets the two criteria above will always make money. But this should not be the focus. 

 3. Have Direction and Focus Have you ever picked up a gospel album and you really can’t place the style or genre of the work? I have. Lots of Albums in this part of the world lack that definition and clear musical identity. You get to hear rap, jazz, juju, dance hall, worship, Afro, reggae etc, all in one album. Perhaps it’s a way of shooting in all direction expecting one of them to hit. No! No! You should have a clear sound. Your identity. Something peculiar to you. If you sound close to Sir Ebenezer Obey, then don’t try singing like Marvin Sapp. Be true to your self. Your grace works in your place. 

4. Get The Right Producer There are great and skillful producers out there. But not all can properly articulate your sound. In fact, sometimes, the right person may not necessarily be a big name. I suggest you pray for direction in this area. 

5. Be Prayerful You should spend time praying before, during and after the recording. Remember a gospel album is a spiritual project. I remember a number of my studio recordings were worship sessions. Sometimes we’ve had to pray in the spirit extensively before tracking. We’ve had people so overwhelmed, they wept and just fell because we had a strong presence in the studio. People tend to feel the same presence in the recordings like we did feel in the studio. 

 6. Use Live Instruments Since music has gone so digital, there is a tendency to do everything with computers. But even when I’m recording digitally, I try as much to fuse in as much analogue or live instruments as I possibly can. LIVE instruments bring LIFE to recordings. And that’s because people play them. You see, God gives grace, but people are the carriers of it. Some musicians, especially the anointed ones bring a certain grace and anointing to a work that digital recording can never produce. 

7. Record With A Good Sound Engineer This is where we really miss it in Naija. Notice I didn’t say record in a big or expensive studio. I have realized that a studio is only as good as the engineer in it. A studio can have the best of gear. But without an engineer with the requisite skill and knowledge to operate the gears, your recording would still sound poor. And the converse is also true. A studio might have just very basic gear, but with the right engineer, and you can achieve some high quality sound. My engineer in Lagos is very good. Though not your typical big studio, he seems to know his onions. And every time I’ve had to take the work abroad for further mixes, the engineers abroad have always spoken highly of his work. I recorded songs like IMELA, no other God, wonderful wonder, etc with him (you can reach him on: 08052222668 – alpha Junes studio). What I also try to do to get that global sound on my recording is do my post productions abroad. Mix and master. In addition to recording abroad sometimes. And you see, if God has given you a global vision, you can’t afford to do things like a local person. Sometimes the things that limit our music from having that global reach is poor and mediocre sound quality. 

8. The Blessing After your album is ready, get it blessed. I know some folks would argue with this. If you have a pastor, you may just have him speak a word of blessing over it. You see, the guys in the world understand this. They take their projects to places to invoke all sorts on them. I understand the place of a father’s blessing. Our generation is one that despises these things. But you see, I am a product of some of these things. It works. You may not know this, but before I ever released my first album, I wrote a letter to pastor E A Adeboye, my general overseer, just asking him to speak a word of blessing before I launch out. I can remember his words very vividly. And I tell you, they have not fallen to the ground. I was determined not to go the way of others. 

 9. Release Your Work The beauty of this is that unlike the past, you have the Internet and social media. And independent online music platforms, and do not need record labels etc to help with distributing your work. And this is what I’ve learnt. If your work is good: anointed and well produced, the marketers will look for you. A good product will always sell itself. I remember a number of them were reluctant to take up my work when I came out first.But I was not in a hurry, and just kept my focus. However, today, by God’s grace, the story is different. 

10. Be Patient “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” – Hebrews 10:36. This is where many folks miss it. They want the break now. The thing must happen immediately. In our kingdom things don’t happen that way. God takes us through a process to mature us, and allow Christ to be formed in us. So wait! I’ll end with this little story. I began playing the trumpet in 1991. Yes. Recorded my first album in 2008. But the impact of our ministry has only begun to be felt. So what happened in between? One word….. PROCESS! Character is formed and molded. God tries and works on our hearts, to make sure we don’t blow it when the spot light comes. Here are some great christian producers. Check them out on facebook and connect with them… Emmanuel Juzzy Uzozie, Rotimi Akinfenwa, Wilson Joel, Wole Oni, George Adealao, etc. I hope you find this article useful. God bless you.

Sunday 8 November 2015

THE MAN GOD USES… (Fundamental truths to becoming a man or woman of God) Part. 1 With Rev Bankole Abioye

In West Africa, we have a qualifying exam called W.A.S.S.E. For a student to successfully graduate from Secondary school, he or she must pass this exam with a minimum of 5 credits Mathematics and English inclusive. Normally the candidate registers about 8 subjects. If he makes all the other subjects without both Mathematics and English language, he goes nowhere! Therefore, great emphasis is placed on these subjects. In the examination hall, you ll see students praying and doing all manner of things just to have a credit in these core subjects;  

There abound several requirements for becoming a vessel in Gods hand; however for time and space sake I will highlight the only the CORE REQUIREMENTS. If you can fulfill these, others will sort themselves out. Shall we?
1.      SEPERATION FROM SIN.   ‘The Lord wants to use you for special purposes, so make yourself clean from all evil. Then you will be holy, and the Master can use you. You will be ready for any good work : 2 Tim 2:21 ERV
To some the principal requirement for becoming a vessel is talking and dressing big. For others, it’s cramming or memorizing a great preacher’s message. From scripture, it is obvious what the primary requirement is.
I make bold to say that sin is the greatest undoing of a woman or man of God. The first step to beginning the journey is to have a desire for holiness and purity and walk in it. Surely this has its roots in an encounter with God that has brought about the salvation of your soul. Purity is the foundation for intimacy with God.

In Isa 6:1-8, God was looking for whom to send while Prophet Isaiah was busy preaching. Suddenly he realized his error and repented. With that, God decided to use him however, you ll notice the first treatment he was given was a PURITY TREATMENT. HERE IS THE ACCOUNT     
Isa 6:7-8
Then he touched my mouth with the hot coal and said, "When this hot coal touched your lips, your guilt was taken away, and your sins were erased."
Then I heard my Lord's voice, saying, "Who can I send? Who will go for us?"
Oswald Smith, founder of The Peoples Church, in Toronto calls this –The sanctified life.

The day Samson started toying with sin; his days of usefulness swiftly came to an end.
Any vessel that forsakes purity has his days numbered already. For such God has only one verdict “I know that you have a name for being alive but THOU ART DEAD”. Could you be jumping around, cajoling others, while Gods verdict over your life is THOU ART DEAD? WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS YOU NEED TO BE SEPERATED AND PURIFIED FROM? No one uses a dirty cup to drink water. There are so many end time soldiers God wants to us in their work place, school and etc. but they are entangled with sin and worldliness.

Finally as I round up todays teaching; Please bear in mind that by the topic (being used of God), I’m not referring to just singing a song in church, leading a prayer session or an occasional ‘something’ that happens when you are on stage. No! We are talking about a constant and consistent, undeniable and practical flow of God through you to the lives of men…

Thursday 5 November 2015

BATTLE OF THE KINGDOMS ....Timeless truths and fundamental revelations for winning

Towards the close of the year 2014, we took out time to stay before the Lord in prayers. As we waited, HE began to show us His agenda for the year 2015 AND BEYOND. Hence what I’m sharing with you is the blue print of Gods prophetic agenda and battle strategy for the end time Christian who wants to subdue kingdoms for Christ. As the Lord led us through, we began to see why certain battles get prolonged and believers become victims. I implore you to give serious attention to understand what God is saying.
The world in which we live is made up of 3 KINGDOMS; the first is
1.      THE KINGDOM OF MEN “…Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. Matt 4:8 NIV
This involves the animal kingdom, plant, United Kingdom, Africa, Europe, and all the continents of the world. Irrespective of colours; red, white, black, or yellow or technological advancement or sophistication, all these constitute the world-the kingdom of men. It is the domain where men live and rule. The world system- the earth
The second is
2.      THE KINGDOM OF GOD.  From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matt 4:17NIV.
This is the domain of God where you see the fullness of His power and glory. It is commonly seen as HEAVEN. This is where the Angels, Cherubs, Seraphs and the spirit of saints dwell. So many believe when they die, they will rest in this realm and enjoy eternally. True, however there is more to know about this realm and its operations.
The third
3.      THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS.For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Col 1:13 NLT
This is commonly known as the pit of hell, where demons live, so many have seen these places in their dreams while others have been there.
So let’s get it clear, all these realms are real. To say they don’t exist is to deny reality
The kingdom of God and that of Satan seek are invisible kingdoms which seek to find expression in the Kingdom of men. These two forces are out to control every human being; Irrespective of your continent, race or tribe. There is an invasion. To buttress this point, hear what Jesus said “The thief comes ...  And I have come… Jn 10:10 NIV.

Looking at the trends of kingdoms over time, we discover that the Persian kingdom ruled for 208 years, after which they were conquered by the Grecian empire who ruled for185 years however the Grecian empire lost to the Roman kingdom who in turn ruled for ruled for 1307 years. The strategy of the kingdoms was exemplified by the ROMAN KINGDOM. Unlike the other kingdoms who conquer their adversaries and take them into captivity as slaves, the ROMAN KINGDOM conquers their territory, and allows their victims to remain there, maintain their homes and jobs, however they send a governor to teach them, and make them loyal to the roman laws. The Romans offer their captors provision, protection etc. at the price of their allegiance.
This remains the reason why they remained in power for over a thousand years (146 BC- AD 1453)
In the same vein, the kingdom of God and that of the devil seek to infiltrate the kingdom of men, offer protection, prosperity etc. at the cost of men’s allegiance. The difference is, God is our creator (who deserves it) while Satan is just an opportunist.
God does not seek to take His agents away to Heaven straightaway. He wants them to be ambassadors, emissaries, agents, to teach, influence, and educate humanity on the culture, values and life of the kingdom of heaven.

Several believe that we are at war against demons, and evil forces; others believe Satan hates us that why he keeps attacking. Hear this today; Satan has no business with YOU. Here is the account of the genesis of this warfare “And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Rev 12:7-9 NIV
If you don’t understand the point where the battle started, you will not walk in total victory. IT IS A BATTLE OF THE KINGDOMS!!! It was actually an angelic battle that became a human battle!

Originally Satan who was called Lucifer in heaven was one of the arch angels whose body was made with precious stones… He sought to become like God and led a rebellion with angels he had persuaded
.And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home — these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. Jude 6 NIV

God delegated the arch angel Michael and he cast the devil down and they were trapped in another state.
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.  I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit. Isa 14:12-15 NIV

However that position of becoming like God was now given to man at creation “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them… Gen 1:27 NIV  
Hence jealousy began and the fight for supremacy ensued.

Whatever you see happening in the world today is a function of one of these kingdoms. These two kingdoms have emissaries and ambassadors who represent their interest and create a conducive atmosphere for their activities. So when you the anti-gay law was endorsed by the Nigerian government, it was an advancement of the kingdom of heaven. On the other hand, the Obama health care scheme with chips on the forehead and right thumb, we can clearly define where it emanated from! When a witch threatens you, don’t be mistaken it is an entire coven that is against you. However when a believer speaks, he or she is declaring not from an individual view, but from the Almightiness of the kingdom of Heaven. Check it out; the Lord’s Prayer never had an individual perspective…. OUR father, give US, Thy kingdom. It has the background of a people, a kingdom

One day a man Daniel discovered neither he nor his people were supposed to be in captivity. He started fasting and praying as an ambassador of the kingdom of heaven! Immediately he began, the Kingdom of heaven responded to him. Here is the account
 …. I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of the finest gold around his waist.  His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude. ..
 …Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.  But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.  Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come." Dan 10:4-14 NIV

FIRSTLY, looking at the appearance of the angel, it doesn’t look like Daniels category.
Secondly, it was clear that it was a war between PRINCES.
THIRDLY, my question is, if the PRINCE OF PERSIA could detain AN ANGEL, WHAT WILL HE DO TO AN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING? (You must understand that even the born again believer is a delegated authority. Those who have had dealing with angels before will bear witness that it’s not as smooth as what several preachers profess)
Listen, the battles are beyond you, yes I know you are born again and you have faith, even God said. The battle is mine! 2 cor. 10:4 says it is mighty THROUGH GOD!

Hear this testimony. Two of our brothers by name Christopher and Joseph after one of our power nights where I shared this teaching were suddenly called upon. A young girl was in torment, she stepped on a charm. There was pandemonium in the house, everybody was shivering, there were not sure she would make it to the next day. At about 10pm at night, when they got there they asked the mother and all those fidgeting to stay outside. Then they remembered that whatsoever is happening is  ‘THE BATTLE OF THE KINGDOMS’ they told the family “the other kingdom have displayed their power, now we will the display the power of the kingdom we represent” that very same hour, the girl got up, completely healed and delivered by the power of the kingdom

When David wanted to fight Goliath who was a giant, the scriptures records that Goliath cursed David in the name of his gods! (1 Sam. 17:42-50.)  This shows he wasn’t standing alone, he was an emissary of his gods. That was when David also took the battle into another level as in agent of the kingdom… we all know who won the day.  I give you another instance, when pharaoh refused to let Israel go, it looked like a political decision not until the magicians came from behind the curtains then it became obvious that it was a diabolical decree.

My greatest pain is that several decrees in the nations of the world seems to be political or economical in nature, however if you dig deep, they are satanically orchestrated and Gods people are being deceived.
The challenge as I bring this edition to a close is to call you to wake up. If you really have faith, where are the kingdoms you’ve subdued? (Heb. 11:33) You represent a kingdom; don’t fight as an individual, fight from your kingdom. You are not just representing your family, you are representing a kingdom. It’s not about me, it’s about the kingdom. “Who shall I send, and who will go FOR US” is Gods demand to everyone He calls! I belong to Gods kingdom and I know that as I pray for you, forces will be sent from our kingdom to enforce my requests.
Each time you pray, or carry out any duty of the kingdom, the forces of the kingdom are released to your office, homes and schools. You are not just an ordinary person. You are not just a lonely born again Christian folk, NO! You are an agent of the kingdom, an ambassador of heaven. When you pray heaven fights for you!

Till we come your way again, stay blessed.

Free copies are also available @
31a Gold coast road, opposite Saviors Life Bible Church S/Gari Kano state

34 Zungeru road opposite Royal Tropicana ANNEX S/Gari Kano state

22 Aminu road s/gari Kano (last floor)


Bankole Abioye is an ordained teacher of God’s word with a unique writing grace which finds expression through Voice Publications. He has a passion for discipleship and leadership development in the body of Christ. He carries out all his kingdom assignment through a strategic platform called TSORN (A multifaceted ministry with divers’ arms) He resides in Kano with his heartthrob Priscillia
For further enquires, and more of his teachings
TSORN OFFICE: 22 Aminu road s/gari kano
Like our facebook page. The Sun of Righteousness Network-TSORN
 WHATSAPP; 07039795601
BBM: 28159093

The genesis of warfare….. only those who know the root can uproot
Towards the close of the year 2014, we took out time to stay before the Lord in prayers. As we waited, HE began to show us His agenda for the year 2015 AND BEYOND. Hence what I’m sharing with you is the blue print of Gods prophetic agenda and battle strategy for the end time Christian who wants to subdue kingdoms for Christ. As the Lord led us through, we began to see why certain battles get prolonged and believers become victims. I implore you to give serious attention to understand what God is saying.
The world in which we live is made up of 3 KINGDOMS; the first is
1.     THE KINGDOM OF MEN “…Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. Matt 4:8 NIV
This involves the animal kingdom, plant, United Kingdom, Africa, Europe, and all the continents of the world. It is the domain where men live and rule.
The second is
2.     THE KINGDOM OF GOD.  From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matt 4:17NIV.
This is the domain of God. It is commonly seen as HEAVEN. This is where the glory of God, the Angels, Cherubs, Seraphs and the spirit of saints dwell. So many believe when they die, they will rest in this realm and enjoy eternally. True, however there is more to know about this realm and its operations.
The third
3.     THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. “For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Col 1:13 NLT
This is commonly known as the pit of hell, where demons live, so many have seen these places in their dreams while others have been there.
So let’s get it clear, all these realms are real. To say they don’t exist is to deny reality
The kingdom of God and that of Satan seek are invisible kingdoms which seek to find expression in the Kingdom of men. These two forces are out to control every human being; Irrespective of your continent, race or tribe.  There is an invasion. To buttress this point, hear what Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 NIV
Several believe we are at war against demons, and evil forces; others believe Satan hates us that why he keeps attacking. Hear this today; Satan has no business with YOU. Here is the account of the genesis of this warfare “And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Rev 12:7-9 NIV
If you don’t understand the point where the battle started, you will not walk in total victory. IT IS A BATTLE OF THE KINGDOMS!!!

Hear this testimony. Two of our brothers by name Christopher and Joseph after one of our power nights where I shared this teaching were suddenly called upon. A young girl was in torment, she stepped on a charm. There was pandemonium in the house, everybody was shivering, there were not sure she would make it to the next day. At about 10pm at night, when they got there they asked the mother and all those fidgeting to stay outside. Then they remembered that whatsoever is happening is  ‘THE BATTLE OF THE KINGDOMS’ they told the family “the other kingdom have displayed their power, now we will the display the power of the kingdom we represent” that very same hour, the girl got up, completely healed and delivered by the power of the kingdom

Originally Satan who was called Lucifer in heaven was one of the arch angels whose body was made with precious stones…
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.  I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit. Isa 14:12-15 NIV

He sought to become like God and led a rebellion with angels he had persuaded .And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home — these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. Jude 6 NIV
God delegated the arch angel Michael and he cast the devil down and they were trapped in another state. However that position of becoming like God was now given to man at creation “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them… Gen 1:27 NIV 
Hence jealousy began and the fight for supremacy ensued.

Whatever you see happening in the world today is a function of one of these kingdoms. These two kingdoms have emissaries and ambassadors who represent their interest and create a conducive atmosphere for their activities. Hear this, when a witch threatens you don’t be mistaken, it is an entire coven that is against you. However when a believer speaks, he or she is counting on their prayer lives! No wonder we are weak. Check it out the Lord’s Prayer never had an individual perspective…. OUR father, give US, Thy kingdom. It has the background of a people, a kingdom

One day a man Daniel discovered neither he nor his people were supposed to be in captivity. He started fasting and praying as an ambassador of the kingdom of heaven! Immediately he began…. Dan 10:4-14
 On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was standing on the bank of the great river, the Tigris, I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of the finest gold around his waist.  His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude. ..

…A hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. He said, "Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, for I have now been sent to you." And when he said this to me, I stood up trembling.

 Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.  But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.  Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come." NIV
FIRSTLY, looking at the appearance of the angel, it doesn’t look like Daniels category. Secondly, it was clear that it was a war between PRINCES. THIRDLY, my question is, if the PRINCE OF PERSIA could detain AN ANGEL, WHAT WILL HE DO TO A HUMAN BEING? (You must understand that even the born again believer is a delegated authority. Those who have had dealing with angels before will bear witness that it’s not as smooth as what several preachers profess)
…. Hear this, the battles are beyond you, yes I know you are born again and you have faith, even God said. The battle is mine! 2 cor. 10:4 says it is mighty THROUGH GOD!

When David wanted to fight Goliath who was a giant, the scriptures records that Goliath cursed David in the name of his gods! (1 Sam. 17:42-50.)  What that was when David also took the battle into another level.  I give you another instance, when pharaoh refused to let Israel go, it looked like a political decision not until the magicians came from behind the curtains then it became obvious it’s a diabolical decree. My greatest pain is that several decrees in the nations of the world seems to be political or economical in nature, however if you dig deep, they are satanically orchestrated and Gods people are being deceived.

My challenge as I bring this edition to a close is to call you to wake up. If you really have faith, where are the kingdoms you’ve subdued? (Heb. 11:33) You represent a kingdom; don’t fight as an individual, fight from your kingdom.

 An angel was sent from his kingdom to minister to him. This shows me that as I pray for you, forces are sent to enforce my requests.
Each time you pray, or carry out any duty of the kingdom, the forces of the kingdom are released to your office, homes and schools. You are not just an ordinary person. You are not just a lonely born again Christian folk, no1 you are an agent of the kingdom, an ambassador of heaven. When you pray heaven fights for you!
Till we come your way again, stay blessed.

Bankole Abioye is an ordained minister and teacher of Gods word with a unique writing grace which finds expression through Voice Publications. He has a passion for discipleship and leadership development in the body of Christ. He resides in Kano with his heartthrob Priscillia
For further enquires, and more of his teachings
TSORN OFFICE: 22 Aminu road s/gari kano
Like our facebook page. The Sun of Righteousness Network-TSORN
 WHATSAPP; 07039795601