Sunday 8 November 2015

THE MAN GOD USES… (Fundamental truths to becoming a man or woman of God) Part. 1 With Rev Bankole Abioye

In West Africa, we have a qualifying exam called W.A.S.S.E. For a student to successfully graduate from Secondary school, he or she must pass this exam with a minimum of 5 credits Mathematics and English inclusive. Normally the candidate registers about 8 subjects. If he makes all the other subjects without both Mathematics and English language, he goes nowhere! Therefore, great emphasis is placed on these subjects. In the examination hall, you ll see students praying and doing all manner of things just to have a credit in these core subjects;  

There abound several requirements for becoming a vessel in Gods hand; however for time and space sake I will highlight the only the CORE REQUIREMENTS. If you can fulfill these, others will sort themselves out. Shall we?
1.      SEPERATION FROM SIN.   ‘The Lord wants to use you for special purposes, so make yourself clean from all evil. Then you will be holy, and the Master can use you. You will be ready for any good work : 2 Tim 2:21 ERV
To some the principal requirement for becoming a vessel is talking and dressing big. For others, it’s cramming or memorizing a great preacher’s message. From scripture, it is obvious what the primary requirement is.
I make bold to say that sin is the greatest undoing of a woman or man of God. The first step to beginning the journey is to have a desire for holiness and purity and walk in it. Surely this has its roots in an encounter with God that has brought about the salvation of your soul. Purity is the foundation for intimacy with God.

In Isa 6:1-8, God was looking for whom to send while Prophet Isaiah was busy preaching. Suddenly he realized his error and repented. With that, God decided to use him however, you ll notice the first treatment he was given was a PURITY TREATMENT. HERE IS THE ACCOUNT     
Isa 6:7-8
Then he touched my mouth with the hot coal and said, "When this hot coal touched your lips, your guilt was taken away, and your sins were erased."
Then I heard my Lord's voice, saying, "Who can I send? Who will go for us?"
Oswald Smith, founder of The Peoples Church, in Toronto calls this –The sanctified life.

The day Samson started toying with sin; his days of usefulness swiftly came to an end.
Any vessel that forsakes purity has his days numbered already. For such God has only one verdict “I know that you have a name for being alive but THOU ART DEAD”. Could you be jumping around, cajoling others, while Gods verdict over your life is THOU ART DEAD? WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS YOU NEED TO BE SEPERATED AND PURIFIED FROM? No one uses a dirty cup to drink water. There are so many end time soldiers God wants to us in their work place, school and etc. but they are entangled with sin and worldliness.

Finally as I round up todays teaching; Please bear in mind that by the topic (being used of God), I’m not referring to just singing a song in church, leading a prayer session or an occasional ‘something’ that happens when you are on stage. No! We are talking about a constant and consistent, undeniable and practical flow of God through you to the lives of men…

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